Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

the impacted of human behaviour by satan and how to overcome it

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement For the Final
Examination Period 2014/2015
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Inayatul Fitria Dewi

Name                                      : Inayatul Fitria Dewi
Number                                   : 131233180024121734
Program                                   : Sains Program
Title of Paper                            : THE IMPACTED OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR BY SATAN AND HOW TO OVERCOME IT

Kembang, September 2014
Advisor  I                                                                    Advisor II

Ummi Fadlilatin, S.Pd                                  Zahrotul Mukhoyyaroh, S.Pd.I                  

Compiled By:
Inayatul Fitria Dewi

Received :

Examiner I                                                                                          Examiner II

Chairwoman                                                                            Secretary

Nur Saadah, S.Ag                                                                 Ummi Fadhilatin, S.Pd

Kembang, September 2014
The Headmaster Of MA Madarijul Huda Kembang

H. Zainul Wafa, S.Pd.I
¼çm¯RÎ) ö/ä3s9 Arßtã ×ûüÎ7B ÇÏÉÈ
The meaning: “Actually, satan is your factual enemy”.

The paper dedicate for:
v  My Parents
v  All my teacher
v  My country
v  My friends
v  All reader

Praise be to Allah SWT, we praise of Him, request Him, held and forgiveness to Him. We shelter to him from our weaknes and mistake.
May peace and safety always be given to Muhammad SWT and His Family, friends and followers.
This paper can be finished by blessing, guidance, helping and support even spiritually or substance from many people. Therefore, the author wants to say thank you to:
1.      Mr. H. Zainul Wafa, S.Pd.I, as The Headmaster of Islamic Senior High School Madarijul Huda Kembang.
2.      Mrs. Ummi Fadhilatin, S.Pd, as The Advisor of Indonesian Language.
3.      Mrs. Zahrotul Mukhoyyaroh, as The Advisor of English Language.
4.      All of teachers in Islamic Senior High School Of Madarijul Huda Kembang.
5.      All of my friends who helped in this paper with directly or indirectly helping that can not the author mention one by one.
In this paper the author write very simply, because of the author science in adequacy. Because of that the author expects developing critic and suggestion from reader.  To Allah SWT the author begs for his guidance, my this paper can be useful ang get goodness from Allah SWT. Amen.

Kembang,       September      2014

TITLE ......................................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL.............................................................................................................. ii
THE RATIFICATION............................................................................................. iii
MOTTOAND DEDICATION................................................................................. iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 1
                   A. Background ....................................................................................... 1
                   B. Reasons for choosing the topic .......................................................... 2
                   C. Purposing of the writing .................................................................... 2
                   D. Benefits of the writing....................................................................... 2
                   E. Method of the research....................................................................... 2
                   F. Outline of paper.................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER II LIBRARY STUDY ........................................................................... 4
                   A. Human As Allah’s Servant Has Potency To Do Good Or Bad......... 4
                   B. Several Bad Characteristic Of Human............................................... 5
C. The Characteristic Of Satan................................................................ 7
CHAPTER III DISCUSSING................................................................................ 10
                   A. Satan Inciting Bad Attitude of Human ........................................... 11
                   B. The Impact Generated After A Human Provoked By Satan........... 11
C.  How To Overcome Protecting Ourselves From Satan According To Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah         12
CHAPTER IV CLOSING....................................................................................... 15
                   A. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 15
                   B. Suggestion........................................................................................ 15
                   C. Closing ............................................................................................. 15
BIBLIOGRAFI ...................................................................................................... 17


A faithful human must convince, that enemity of the satan to the human is forever, since period Prophet Adam till Allah took over earth and its contains ownership. Allah SWT said “Actually the satan is really enemy for you, so suppose he is enemy for you because really the satan only invite his group so that be occupant hell burning.(Q.S. Fathir [35]:6).
The satan pledge his enemity and beating the drums of war versus child of human since a long time ago. With deploying all armies and bussiness, the satan will always and non stop incite or tease the human, into mislead and to be the human be his friend in the hell later. The attack will always be done from wherecourse, until human to be like himself. So,be accident that the human is not alert and careless from several satan’s  temptation and deceit.
After the satan is downed and forbidden from heaven, so he was down to earth as Allah’s damned servant and threatened with corporal fire hell, belong his follower, evil ghost, and human that is astrayed by him. Since that day, he works with power strong to astray the human with several way.
Whereas the human as Allah’s servant has intellect and desire, has potency do good and bad merit. No body is perfect human and clear from sin, because the satan will not desperate to disturb human.
So, the human will not never loose from mistake because  all organ body of human is found the satan that will always make break to that human.
Therefore it is needed the way to overcome  how to go way from satan’s envy, so that in writing this paper the writer is interested to take the title “THE IMPACTED OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR BY SATAN AND HOW TO OVERCOME IT”.
The based of the background above, so main problems to be discussed in to pile up of this paper, as follows:
1.    How is the satan envy the human?
2.    What is the effect of the human bad attitude is envyed by satan?
3.    How to overcome human attitude is envyed by satan?
As for purposing of fundamental of writing and complication of this paper is:
1.    To disscuse of human attitude is envyed by satan.
2.    To identifity effect of bad attitude of human is envyed by satan.
3.    To identifity ways to overcome human attitude is envyed by satan.
1.    Theoritical benefits
a)    Give knowledge and insight that moral to readers.
b)   Give direction so that can go away bad action.
2.      Practic benefits
a.    For writer
a)    Can know about practices  which can use to pursue the satan.
b)   Can aplicate that practices in the factual live.
b.    For school
a)    Give reference for the readers.
b)   Give spirit for the readers to motivate in order to ascen their quality.
In doing writing and to pile up this paper, the writer uses method of the research library research. “The definition of library research is tecnics to collect data with make study to books, literatures, registers and reports that has conection with problems which is broken. (Nazir, 1998:11).
With this way can make easier the writer to collect writing materials in pilling up this paper, by collecting and reading the book, or relevant reference from internet, and etc that is used to answer research for choosing the topic.
To make easier in understanding and discussing this paper, so the writer piles up this paper with outline as follow:
Capter I        Introduction, contains background, reasons for choosing the topic, purposing of the writing, benefit of the writing, method of the research, and outline of the paper.
Capter II       Library study, contains the human as Allah’s servant have potency to good or bad do, several of bad characteristics human and characteristic of satan.
Chapter III   Discussion, contains way of satan to envy human bad attitude, effect of the human bad attitude is envyed by satan and several way to overcome.
Chapter IV  Closing, contains conclusion, suggestion and closing.

                                                            CAPTER II
                                                            Library Study
A.  The Human as Allah’s Servant has Potency to do Good or Bad.
The creating of human by allah is perfect creature. It is diferrent with angels or animal only supplied intellect or passion. But human has both, there is intellect and passion, so that the human has potency to do good or bad.
As the creature of Allah, a human is given two streets, there is devation street and mistake. We are given free to choose good or bad like, Allah said :
$ygyJolù;r'sù $yduqègéú $yg1uqø)s?ur ÇÑÈ
The meaning: “ So Allah inspires to that soul ( street ) sinful and devationt him”. (QS. Asy-Syams:8).
Allah said that fortunate the human who always clean his soul and lose for the human who is always dirty of him soul . Rosullullah said too” Allah SWT said “ I create my servants in hanif situation, then satan come to them, then macked them from religion“. ( HR.Muslim).
From hadits above describing that firts condition of human. That every human is created in pure condition and not lean over to error, and has compulsary, it is acknowledge to Allah. The deviation happened when deceived by persuade’s satan, follow passion with deviation of islam, as attendance his live, so he leaved compulsary. The human who is not compulsary will make several broken in earth face.
When people are more concerned with the passions to the exclusion of Islam as the guide of his life , he has left nature . Human nature is not going to make a variety of corruption on earth .
The human will do good if intellect of  human pushed by positive thinking and strong faith of him self. So that, the human has potency to do bad because passion pushed by satan.
The satan will always follow evey step of human in his passion until the human do bad. So, satan will look beautiful of bad until human always has desire to do that.
B.       Several bad characteristic of human
1.      Hopeless
Hopeless is wishless, nothing wish again. A person is said hopeless if nothing has wish again about something that want to get first. (Al-Kautsar, 2007:48).
The effect of a person usually because unsucessful happen repeatedly in getting future or something hope. Really, the primary effect of a person is hopeless not problem come him but way to overcome that problem.
A hopeless person is lose spirit and desirous to get something is first wished. Hopeless can follow with do not care characteistic can not work again. Islam learns his parish to not hopeless. Allah said:
Ÿwur (#qÝ¡t«÷ƒ($s? `ÏB Çy÷r§ «!$# ( ¼çm¯RÎ) Ÿw ߧt«÷ƒ($tƒ `ÏB Çy÷r§ «!$# žwÎ) ãPöqs)ø9$# tbrãÏÿ»s3ø9$# ÇÑÐÈ  
The meaning: “And do not you be hopeless from Allah’s mercy. Really, that a hopeless person for Allah’s mercy just heaten people” .(QS. Yusuf :87).
From the verse above it can take conclusion that every moslem isn’t hopeless to face every problem.
The satan will be very happy if the human has hopeless characteristic, because the satan will be easier to persuade him  till the human always be hopeless and can break from Allah’s mercy, untill the hearth of human is closed from Allah’s guidance. Beside that, human has hopeless characteristic will be affected heaten characteristic such as, break from Allah’s mercy. For that, the satan is very happy near the human has hopeless characteristic in all thing.
2.    Takabbur
The word of takabbur is arrogant, feel himself is right. Takabbur is very culpabe characteristic, good in the sight of Allah and fellow human (Al-Kautsar,2007:51). Because of that, every moslem must have distance of it. Rosulullah said:
الكبربطرالحقوغمط الناس(رواه مسلم)
The meaning: ”Takabbur (arrogant) is refusing approval and trivial the human”. (HR. Muslim).
Swanker feel that himself is the best so will not accept suggest or critical from other people. In social life every day respectless other people.
Allah forbids takabbur as explained in Luqman:18
Ÿwur öÏiè|Áè? š£s{ Ĩ$¨Z=Ï9 Ÿwur Ä·ôJs? Îû ÇÚöF{$# $·mttB ( ¨bÎ) ©!$# Ÿw =Ïtä ¨@ä. 5A$tFøƒèC 9qãsù ÇÊÑÈ  
The meaning: And don’t turn your face from the human (because arrogant) and do not walk in the world be arrogant. Actually, Allah dislike swanker and roud himself”. (QS. Luqman:18).
The satan is very happy has swanker friend, because he like doing noisy in environment around. The swanker will be happy to trivial and make ill of the heart of other people and satan as the actor to help swanker to proud himself till forget to Allah. Satan will be happy if swanker forgets to Allah and happy with luxurious that they proud.
3.      Hasad/Hasud
Hasud is envy/jealous. Jealous is feel happyless. Jealous is one of form mental annoyance. (Al-Kautsar,2007:46). It is said mental annoyance because envior always restless if seeing other people get a happiness. The more often seeing other people be happy,the more restless his hearth.
When jealous can not be controlled, it came bad action namely envy. Islam learns their people to go way from jealous attitude.
Ÿwur (#öq¨YyJtGs? $tB Ÿ@žÒsù ª!$# ¾ÏmÎ/ öNä3ŸÒ÷èt/ 4n?tã <Ù÷èt/ 4 ÉA%y`Ìh=Ïj9 Ò=ŠÅÁtR $£JÏiB (#qç6|¡oKò2$# ( Ïä!$|¡ÏiY=Ï9ur Ò=ŠÅÁtR $®ÿÊeE tû÷ù|¡tGø.$# 4 (#qè=t«óur ©!$# `ÏB ÿ¾Ï&Î#ôÒsù 3 ¨bÎ) ©!$# šc%Ÿ2 Èe@ä3Î/ >äó_x« $VJŠÎ=tã ÇÌËÈ  
The meaning: And do not be jealous of what Allah has given to some of you more than others (because) for men there is a part of they work, and for women (too) there is a part of they work. Actually Allah knows all thing”. (QS. An-Nisa’:32).
Wise Allah has arranged all things according with his will is absolute. At the end of the verse above, we instructed work  and ask Allah’s gift according appropiate skills. Someone who has hasad so the good reward that has been done before will be broken. The damage of good reward has been done like damage firewood flames. Prophet Muhammad said:
اياكم والحسد فان الحسد ياكل الحسنات كما تاكل النارالحطب (رواه ابوداود)
The meaning: ”Guard your self from envy, because actually hasad damages several of good, as a fire engulfed firewood”. (HR. Abu Dawud).
C.      The Characteristics Of Satan
At first, the creation of prophet Adam by Allah, the angels, and demons/satan are instructed subject by Allah to prophet Adam. All the angels are subject to command of Allah to bend to prophet Adam. It is different with the satan, he feels her degree is higher than prophet Adam. Which prophet Adam was created from land whereas he is from fire. So Allah was angry to him, so he pursued from heaven. With that event demons swore  in front of Allah to mislead the posterity of prophet Adam:
tA$s% y7Ï?¨ÏèÎ6sù öNßg¨ZtƒÈqøî_{ tûüÏèuHødr& ÇÑËÈ   žwÎ) x8yŠ$t7Ïã ãNßg÷YÏB šúüÅÁn=øÜßJø9$# ÇÑÌÈ   tA$s% ,ptø:$$sù ¨,ptø:$#ur ãAqè%r& ÇÑÍÈ   ¨bV|øBV{ tL©èygy_ y7ZÏB `£JÏBur y7yèÎ7s? öNåk÷]ÏB tûüÏèuHødr& ÇÑÎÈ  
The meaning: ”The demons answered,”  By your power i will mislead them all, expect your mukhlis servant between them. Allah says,” so the true(is my swore) and just truth that I say. “actually i will be fulfil  jahannam hell with your kind and with people that follow you between all of them”. (QS. Shaad:82-85).
Even satan will work with his power to mislead human with various way till day of resurrection
¢OèO $tR÷ŠyŠu ãNä3s9 no§x6ø9$# öNÍköŽn=tã Nä3»tR÷ŠyøBr&ur 5AºuqøBr'Î/ šúüÏZt/ur öNä3»oYù=yèy_ur uŽsYò2r& #·ŽÏÿtR ÇÏÈ  
The meaning: ”He (demon) said “ explain to me, this is the people that you glorify on me? Actually if you give respite to me until day of resurrection, certainly i will mislead offspring except a small portion”. (QS. Al-Isro’:6).
Thus is clear that satan want to add his followers so his character just purpose merely to mislead people. Among them:
1.      Lier.
If the human soul has been possessed by satan, so he himself will be easy to do collision. Satan will come and always back up the bad action with bring promises.
2.      Hostility fire claimants
In this matter satan will destroy human with incite against each other in other to happen deviation and hatred among human. So they will sparate and be difficult to unite again.
3.      Leader of abomination and disavowal.
When Allah instructs his servant to do good, so satan will give back its actual. He is twisting Allah’s instruction to instruct the human do deviation and say to Allah what he does not know.
4.      Sweet mouth
Human character is very love of world life. For Allah, beutiful world life makes flabbergasted for anyone who deceived him. However, satan is not willing if the human leaves world life and  droves to the ultimate happiness. Therefore, satan shows world face as the world is the end of everything. Flickering life  just one of purpose of life.
     So among characteristic had by satan. All of them go to bad action.

A.      Satan Inciting Bad Attitude of Human
The mission and work of the devil are of two kinds, command the human to do sin and hinder human to do good. The following six steps which is is done by the devil in human misleading:
The first step is polytheism humans. When the Muslims were invited to the devil, of strong faith, which can not be non Muslim, so the devil will to afford second stepis inviting to do “bid’ah”. Satan will try to make the Muslims as Ahlul-Bid'ah. If the devil can not afford at this step,so  the third step he will trap the Muslims at large sin. If the devil is also not capable so he will trap the human to commit small sin, so little sin will accumulate a lot, so that actors will be died.
The fifth stage, the devil will get excited human in neutral matter. At first, satan gives spirit someone to do all that was allowed. If he had been accustomed to do that so devil invit him to do small sins. But if it is done not  the devil will take that people to the next level. That is busy doing not various mayor  virtues. Satan likes to advocate people to do not major the virtues so that a person leaves major and useful virtues so that he does not get a reward.
The last step of satan labour is to advocate the human reduce the worship or doing excessive worship is by describing worship  is very heavy and difficult, so that it need not  to do that and simply replaced with other worship. But sometimes with the recommendation to do it in excess, so that it excessive from the example of the Prophet Muhammad that he is very careful to the limits of anxiety.
That is how the devil misleads people according to Ibnu Qoyyim.  As for way is used by satan  not counted kind and its total  according to Dr. Hamud Aliy Ibn Ibrahim As-Salim such as:
1.      Seduring humans associate with people who have bad character in order to love doing sin.
2.      Misleading men and women with dating over the phone, which beginning only in the nature of joke  that forbidden then ends with adultery that  destructive respect.
3.      Turn up feeling excessive love in someone's heart to his girlfriend who is not yet ettached married.
4.      Whispering man  as the best, so that tun up greedy, etc.
B.       The Impact Generated after a human provoked By Satan
Unconsious in general human done sins which intentionally or unintentionally. The sins that have been done is human nature that has been incited by satan and humans have trapped the snare of the satan. As for the bad brought that have a negative impact such as:
a.       Because much bad association, so psychological and social life become more difficult, the more glow adultery, dishonest sexual stimuation and much robbery rights human happen. 
b.      A young man who is often on the dating over phone with a girl, just want unctuous words and sells false promises into the girl can be spotted invain. And people who like dating over the phone will never hate bad action even they are enjoying badness and persecution. Dating over the phone for too long just to waste time in the talks that are forbidden and deadly shame and virtue.
c.       The man who loves his girlfriend too much, can make her forget the God who more  deserves remembered and loved. Someone who loves  his girlfriend, then his heart will be tortured, lost and miserable. That is the punishment of Allah before they in the after here. Someone who is  love with his girlfriend so he will be busy from religion and his world
d.      People who feel themselves are better than other people so he will show himself   vanity to all people, and he preferred to be praised by others people so that he will forget toAllah. Because of its vanity he would be antipathy to relation with the people who are below it.
C.      How to Overcome Protecting Ourselves From Satan According to Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah.
1.      sincere in religion.
If the devil promise to Allah to become  Muslims as hell inhibitant, the devil itself admits he can not do the promise to the class of  “sincere people", Allah says:
tA$s% Éb>u þÎTöÏàRr'sù 4n<Î) ÏQöqtƒ tbqèWyèö7ムÇÌÏÈ   tA$s% y7¯RÎ*sù z`ÏB tûï̍sàZßJø9$# ÇÌÐÈ   4n<Î) ÏQöqtƒ ÏMø%uqø9$# ÏQqè=÷èyJø9$# ÇÌÑÈ   tA$s% Éb>u !$oÿÏ3 ÏZoK÷ƒuqøîr& £`uZÎiƒy_{ öNßgs9 Îû ÇÚöF{$# öNåk¨]tƒÈqøî_{ur tûüÏèuHødr& ÇÌÒÈ   žwÎ) šyŠ$t6Ïã ãNåk÷]ÏB šúüÅÁn=øÜßJø9$# ÇÍÉÈ  
The meaning: "The demons said: O my Lord You made me astray (so) with God for, actually I would be beautify all types denial to Adam and his grandson in this world and I will be astray them all except Your servants among them who are sincere". (QS. Al-Hijr : 36-40).
In the above verse the devil has unraveled his secret in his mission.
Ikhlas is doing something just because of God. What is meant of satan here sincerity in the context of a comprehensive and involve all related to religious practice.
2.      Fear to God
Even the devil and all the identities and their tricks look great, it has a disadvantage that is fear to Allah.
øŒÎ)ur z`­ƒy ÞOßgs9 ß`»sÜø¤±9$# óOßgn=»yJôãr& tA$s%ur Ÿw |=Ï9$xî ãNà6s9 tPöquø9$# šÆÏB Ĩ$¨Z9$# ÎoTÎ)ur Ö%y` öNà6©9 ( $£Jn=sù ÏNuä!#ts? Èb$tGt¤Ïÿø9$# }Ès3tR 4n?tã Ïmøt7É)tã tA$s%ur ÎoTÎ) Öäü̍t/ öNà6ZÏiB þÎoTÎ) 3ur& $tB Ÿw tb÷rts? þÎoTÎ) Ú%s{r& ©!$# 4 ª!$#ur ߃Ïx© ÅU$s)Ïèø9$# ÇÍÑÈ  
The meaning: "So when the two parties (the Islamic army forces and polytheists) each look (face), satan goes backward while saying" I am free from you, because I can see what you do not see it. actually, I am fear to Allah. And Allah is great wrath in punishment ". (QS. Al-Anfal: 48).
Therefore, do not fear with the devil, fear to Allah. Fear of God is not meant to make distance ourselves from God, but instead increasingly approached him and reinforce faith in Him.
3.      Do not follow the devil
¼çm¯RÎ) }§øŠs9 ¼çms9 í`»sÜù=ß n?tã šúïÏ%©!$# (#qãZtB#uä 4n?tãur óOÎgÎn/u tbqè=ž2uqtGtƒ ÇÒÒÈ   $yJ¯RÎ) ¼çmãZ»sÜù=ß n?tã šúïÏ%©!$# ¼çmtRöq©9uqtGtƒ šúïÏ%©!$#ur Nèd ¾ÏmÎ/ šcqä.ÎŽô³ãB ÇÊÉÉÈ  
The meaning: "Actually the satan does not have any authority to faith people and trust in their Lord. Actually authority is just vicious toward those who make it their leaders, and who do shirk because incitement to God”. (QS. An-Nahl: 99-100).
In the above verse God explains that the authority of devil is only against who make him a leader. In a sense the devil is only capable of people who followed him.
4.      congregation.
In this case the devil has a major role in the team to break the unity of Muslims. As the words of the Prophet:
فان يدالله مع الجماعةوان الشيطان مع من فارق الجماعة يرتكض
The meaning: "Surely God's hand with society and really satan ran with people who break society".
Based on the hadist it can be known that the devil hates the society and like divisions. He will always look for a way for Muslims become broken to various collection and flow. Then mutual hostility and ujub among each other.
5.      Dzikir
Satan is afraid and dislike to have friends with people who do “dzikir” who always remember Allah in all matters. So we are required to “dzikir” with a way that is taught by him. Because “dzikir” can banish demons, subjecting even destroy its power.
The following are how to refuse trapping of devil according to Dr. Hamud Ibnu Ibrahim Aliy As-Salim:
a.       Invoking the protection of God
b.      Always remember Allah
c.       Controlling the eyes
d.      Keeping away from moral turpitude
e.       Companionship to pious people
f.       Regret and ask forgiveness
g.      Pray, and etc.

A.      Conclusions
After  the writer does lecture carefully the related with "The Impacted of Human Behavior By Satan An How to Overcome" so the writter take the conclusion as the following:
1)      Satan will never run out of his mind to mislead the human . Satan is not easily hopeless in inciting people in this world.
2)      The impacted of bad attitude by the devil come to lose of man in his life. Because when a man is incited by the devil he will not forget the Allah who is able to help him from the power of Satan.
3)      Allah has shown the way of our life through the verses of the Qur'an which guide human life and demand us to the true path. In the Qur'an teaches us to always ask for the protection of God to avoid the temptation of Satan.
B.       Suggestion
From the discussion above, there are a few things that the writer would suggest, they are as followed:
1)      We are as human of  Allah’s creation must be able to know the way that made by ​​the devil to mislead people. We must be able to distinguish both good and bad.
2)      Preferably human must repair his nature to become better so that people do not easily get caught up in the satan’s temptation.
3)      Humans should always remember Allah and always pray to Him and ask for directions that are not easily seduced by the instigation of the devil.
C.      Closing
Thus this paper we compiled, there is no other appropriate expression to end the words in the writing of this paper, except saying gratitude to Allah SWT. on His grace and mercy so that the writer can finish writing this paper with all the writer's ability.
Furthermore, the writer hopes critic and constructive suggestions from the readers in order to improve the quality of this paper.
As a final word, the writer  hope that this paper can be useful, especially for writer, especially for the general reader.


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